Grao pia imeamua ifungue Roho! Following up with the Redcarded leaders last week by @thekhrc on teen pregnancy we want to listen to young people. This is a community space! Dont miss out!
Our Impact
With The Support Of People Like You, We're Making Progress in Promoting and protecting sexual and reproductive health and rights
Over 2 million young people (10-24 years) in and out of school reached with Comprehensive Sexuality Education across 15 counties (Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Kwale, Kilifi, Homabay, Siaya, Migori, Kisii, Busia, Kakamega, Bungoma, Uasin Gishu, Trans-Nzoia and Kajiado).

Keeping Our Promise
Together, We Are Turning Tragedy Into Transformation
Over 2 million young people (10-24 years) in and out of school reached with Comprehensive Sexuality Education across 15 counties (Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Kwale, Kilifi, Homabay, Siaya, Migori, Kisii, Busia, Kakamega, Bungoma, Uasin Gishu, Trans-Nzoia and Kajiado).
Over 500 women and men reached with sexual reproductive health information.
Over 1.5 million community members and leaders have been engaged towards creating a supportive SRHR environment.
Over 21,000 health care providers trained on essential aspects of service provision including Youth friendly Services, commodity supply management and Basic Emergency Obstetric Care (BEmOC) towards increased access to SRHR services.
28 health facilities supported for the establishment of Youth Friendly Centres towards increased access to SRHR services.
Supported setting up and strengthening of Community Health Units (CHUs) towards increased access to SRHR services.
Significantly contributed to the fight against FGM through a community led alternative rites of passage model implemented in Kajiado County.
Over 8 million Young people and women aged 15-49 have accessed SRH services and commodities in Counties of operation.
The SRHR Alliance has utilized the comparative strengths of the partner CSOs to influence different policies and guidelines including but not limited to: The review and development of the National Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy 2015, National Guidelines for provision of Adolescent and Youth Friendly Services in Kenya 2016, The development of guidelines on Comprehensive Sexuality Education, The formulation of the Kenya AIDS Strategic Framework, County budget processes for Reproductive Health and ICPD beyond 2014 and post 2015 agenda.
30 SRHR Youth Champions trained from 7 Counties namely Nairobi, Siaya, Kisumu, Mombasa, Kajiado, Kakamega and Homabay. The 30 SRHR champions have held activities in their own Counties with the support of our partner CSOs. For instance, the SRHR Youth Champions have engaged the opinion leaders and community elders on the specific SRHR issues in their Counties of operation. In Kajiado, the SRHR Youth Champions organized an activity to discourage FGM in the community and gave recommendations that could solve teenage pregnancies, early marriages and drug abuse among other SRH issues.
Over 1 million young people were reached in 2016 with witty, attractive and crucial messages on their SRHR often accompanied by videos or pictures through the social media thus setting the agenda for most of their topics of discussions on SRHR and answers for their disturbing questions provided.
Strengthened capacity of partner CSOs in the Kenya SRHR Alliance in a number of areas but not limited to Program Monitoring and Evaluation, Operational Research, positive SRHR reporting, HIV and YFS integration and SRHR advocacy leading to greater community impact in their Counties of operation.
The Kenya SRHR Alliance has increased visibility, stability and strengthened its networks.
More Than 1.5M Community members and leaders engaged