Grao pia imeamua ifungue Roho! Following up with the Redcarded leaders last week by @thekhrc on teen pregnancy we want to listen to young people. This is a community space! Dont miss out!
Our Work

The Alliance seeks to reinforce CSOs institutional capacity and provide them with sustainable resources to ensure their effectiveness to promote and implement sustainable and localized SRHR interventions in their communities and to encourage public participation. The training focuses on: advocacy; rights-based approach to development; stakeholder mapping and analysis; financial control management; budget advocacy; and gender transformative approaches; monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and Value Clarification (VCAT).
Generation of evidence has the potential to shift the narrative of sexual reproductive health and rights from programmes focused on systems and processes to one that is focused on lived realities. We focus our research on current trends and emerging priority areas such as comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), abortion; Gender-based violence (GBV), HIV, SRHR Services, Covid-19, health systems and infrastructure among others. Systematic data gathering and analysis are continuous processes within the monitoring of the programmes under the Alliance. Analysis on reflection both on factors that contribute positively to the achievement of objectives as well as on the factors that hamper these achievements are crucial for learning, and as such, for achieving the organization's goals.
The Alliance partners with various stakeholders to enhance women's and girls' rights and health globally. It supports youth-led advocacy, recognizing young people as experts in their experiences. The Alliance aims to build the capacity of youth-led organizations in proposal writing, policy development, and planning transformative advocacy campaigns. Its advocacy focuses on ensuring young people have access to accurate SRHR information and services, and promoting strong advocacy skills. It advocates for policies that protect and fulfill the SRHR of all young people, influencing policy development to ensure these rights are respected and protected.

Networking plays a big role in education and advocacy on Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health by allowing different groups to work together toward a shared goal and by coordinating strategies and pooling resources. The Alliance organizes regional learning and exchange meetings for partner CSOs working in similar regions in the country to share experiences and best practices in SRHR programming. These networking opportunities provide a basis for partner CSOs to harmonize their work plans and avoid elements of duplication in existing programmes. The Alliance also supports partners to attend national, regional and international conferences organized by different organizations around the country. Through these conferences, partner CSOs have opportunities to submit abstracts, and make presentations on the different SRHR interventions generated by the projects we implement.

5. Intersectionality
The inequality of accessing quality and comprehensive sexual reproductive health and rights among adolescence and young women interconnect, overlap and with each other putting them in situations of disadvantage. These are most likely to be affected by race, gender, culture, financial status, geographical location, migration, refugees, education, religious background, age among others which all become grounds of stigma and discrimination Alliance programmes look at the nexus between social norms and sexual and reproductive health and rights and uses a theoretical ‘lens’ to understand and acknowledge the distribution of power in society and show how the power structures and wider social, political and economic processes shape the SRHR experiences and outcomes.